
Sunday, 5 March 2017



Vegetarians do not eat meat or fish, or any type of dish made with  or containing  the products of animals. You have to always check what type they are???

Semi/ demi vegetarians occasionally eat fish or meat.

Lacto vegetarians do not eat eggs.

Vegans do not eat any food of animal origin including honey, dairy products and eggs. Vegans do eat vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, pasta made without eggs, soya products and other products of plants.

Fruitarian/ fruitarian’s eat only fruit, nuts and berries.

Basic facts on food nutrients


We get energy from food carbohydrates, fats, protein and alcohol. These are measured in calories or joules. They are usually show on packaging as kilocalories (kcals) or kilojoules (kj).


Fat is a super concentrated source of energy. The same weight of pure fat has over twice as much energy as sugar or starch. Fat is presented in two main types,
- Saturated fats are from animal sources like butter, cheese, meat and milk.
- Unsaturated fats are from plant sources like oils, nuts and seeds. Also from oily fish like tuna, salmon and               mackerel.


Carbohydrates are found to be one of two types,
- Sugars that are naturally found in certain foods like fruit  and honey but are added to many manufactured                 foods, particularly confectionery,  cakes and biscuits.
- Starches are naturally found in filling foods like breads, breakfast cereals, rice, pasta and potatoes.


Fibre is the roughage in the plant foods and is great for the digestive system. Good sources of includes all wholegrain cereals, pulses, fruits, vegetables and nuts.


Protein is the bodybuilding nutrients that are found in animal foods like meat, fish, cheese and eggs. Also protein is also in vegetable sources  including cereals, breakfast cereals, pasta, bread, pulses and nuts.
Vitamins and minerals.
Vitamins and minerals are needed in minute amounts for many bodily processes. Since the body can not make these essential micronutrients they have to be provided by your diet.


Salt is sodium chloride, this is involved in maintaining the body's water balance. Sodium is a mineral. This is added to many manufactured foods and in particularly high amounts in cured and snack foods.

Friday, 24 February 2017

Great food

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Fantastic meal ummmmmm